26.7 C
Buenos Aires, AR
sábado,15 febrero, 2025
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[vcex_icon_box style=»three» icon=»rocket» icon_color=»#ffffff» icon_background=»#dddddd» icon_size=»36px» heading=»Infinite Possibilities» heading_type=»h2″ url_target=»_self»]Sed vestibulum mauris lobortis facilisis tristique. In vitae cursus justo. Cras ultrices ante in consequat imperdiet. Pellentesque tortor purus, pellentesque sit amet mi pellentesque, imperdiet lacinia nulla.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=»three» icon=»globe» icon_color=»#ffffff» icon_background=»#dddddd» icon_size=»36px» heading=»Localized (.po & .mo)» heading_type=»h2″ url_target=»_self»]Sed vestibulum mauris lobortis facilisis tristique. In vitae cursus justo. Cras ultrices ante in consequat imperdiet. Pellentesque tortor purus, pellentesque sit amet mi pellentesque, imperdiet lacinia nulla.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=»three» icon=»star» icon_color=»#ffffff» icon_background=»#dddddd» icon_size=»36px» heading=»Elite Theme» heading_type=»h2″ url_target=»_self»]Sed vestibulum mauris lobortis facilisis tristique. In vitae cursus justo. Cras ultrices ante in consequat imperdiet. Pellentesque tortor purus, pellentesque sit amet mi pellentesque, imperdiet lacinia nulla.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_testimonials_slider skin=»light» background_image=»2992″ background_style=»stretch» term_slug=»all» count=»3″ order=»DESC» orderby=»date» display_author_avatar=»yes»]
[vcex_icon_box style=»one» icon=»arrows» icon_color=»#000000″ icon_size=»24px» heading=»Drag & Drop Builder» heading_type=»h2″ heading_color=»#000000″ heading_size=»18px» heading_weight=»400″ url_target=»_self»]Easily build layouts using a drag & drop page builder. Create unlimited layouts for your posts & pages, no need to memorize shortcodes.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_spacing size=»20px»][vcex_icon_box style=»one» icon=»search» icon_color=»#000000″ icon_size=»24px» heading=»SEO Optimized» heading_type=»h2″ url_target=»_self» heading_size=»18px» heading_weight=»400″]We’ve paid close attention to SEO while developing this theme (headings, clean code, speed, etc). Your site must look good, but also rank well on search results.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=»one» icon=»laptop» icon_color=»#000000″ icon_size=»24px» heading=»Responsive Design» heading_type=»h2″ heading_color=»#000000″ heading_size=»18px» heading_weight=»400″ url_target=»_self»]The theme is fully responsive no matter how you decide to build your pages. Create layouts that your visitors can enjoy on any device.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_spacing size=»20px»][vcex_icon_box style=»one» icon=»columns» icon_color=»#000000″ icon_size=»24px» heading=»Boxed or Full-Width Layout» heading_type=»h2″ heading_color=»#000000″ heading_size=»18px» heading_weight=»400″ url_target=»_self»]Quickly switch between boxed or full-width layout for your website design. There is no need to dig into the stylesheet or change the grid system to get the layout you need.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_icon_box style=»one» icon=»star» icon_color=»#000000″ icon_size=»24px» heading=»50+ Builder Blocks» heading_type=»h2″ heading_color=»#000000″ heading_size=»18px» heading_weight=»400″ url_target=»_self»]Included are  50+ modules to choose from to insert into your posts/pages so you can create amazing layouts. And more added all the time with updates![/vcex_icon_box][vcex_spacing size=»20px»][vcex_icon_box style=»one» icon=»picture-o» icon_color=»#000000″ icon_size=»24px» heading=»Custom Post Types» heading_type=»h2″ heading_color=»#000000″ heading_size=»18px» heading_weight=»400″ url_target=»_self»]Built-in custom post types for portfolios, testimonials and staff make it easy to add and manage your content. Then use builder blocks to insert them anywhere.[/vcex_icon_box]
[vcex_milestone speed=»2500″ interval=»50″ number=»784″ number_color=»#ffffff» number_size=»54px» caption=»Hours Of Overtime» caption_color=»#eeeeee» caption_size=»16px» url_target=»self» url_rel=»none»]
[vcex_milestone speed=»2500″ interval=»50″ number=»347″ number_color=»#ffffff» number_size=»54px» caption=»Projects Completed» caption_color=»#eeeeee» caption_size=»16px» url_target=»self» url_rel=»none»]
[vcex_milestone speed=»2500″ interval=»50″ number=»162″ number_color=»#ffffff» number_size=»54px» caption=»Happy Customers» caption_color=»#eeeeee» caption_size=»16px» url_target=»self» url_rel=»none»]
[vcex_milestone speed=»2500″ interval=»50″ number=»1″ number_color=»#ffffff» number_size=»54px» caption=»Epic Company» caption_color=»#eeeeee» caption_size=»16px» url_target=»self» url_rel=»none»]
[vcex_bullets style=»check»]

  • Responsive Theme
  • Unlimited Page Layouts
  • Drag & Drop Page Builder
  • Pre-Styled Theme Skins
  • Header Styles
  • WooCommerce Support
  • bbPress Support
  • Contact Form 7 Support
  • 600+ Google Fonts
  • Automatic Updates


[vcex_bullets style=»check»]

  • Layer Slider Integration
  • SEO Best Practices
  • Custom Post Types
  • Advanced Meta Options
  • Translation Ready
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Redux Admin Panel
  • Quick & Easy Setup
  • Awesome Theme Support
  • Trusted Envato Elite Author


[vcex_portfolio_grid term_slug=»all» grid_style=»no_margins» filter=»false» columns=»4″ posts_per_page=»8″ img_width=»500″ img_height=»350″ img_crop=»true» img_filter=»none» thumb_link=»post» order=»DESC» orderby=»date» pagination=»false» title=»false» excerpt=»false» read_more=»false» excerpt_length=»15″]
[vcex_staff_grid term_slug=»all» filter=»false» grid_style=»fit-columns» columns=»4″ posts_per_page=»4″ img_width=»9999″ img_height=»9999″ img_crop=»true» img_filter=»none» thumb_link=»post» order=»DESC» orderby=»date» pagination=»false» title=»true» excerpt=»true» excerpt_length=»30″ read_more=»false» social_links=»true»]